
mirror, mirror

            "Guys, look at this! Look at my reflection! I'm tall!!!!!"
     "Wow, you look slim!"
     "You mean I don't look like that in real life?"
     "Er...Sorry, no."

We watched Iron Man 2 with friends last weekend and squeezed in a bit of shoe shopping while at it. Not for us, but for our guy friend. Gosh, men's shoes are massive! I could easily fit both my feet in a size 10.

We got a little obsessed with this huge mirror in Traffic. It was magical! I've never looked taller. Or slimmer, I was told. Pfft 

 I've found a solution for bad hair days: run a dollop of glue (I used Elmer's Glue!) through your tresses and viola, glossy, well-defined waves! It was an accident of course. I'd never purposely put GLUE(!!!) in my hair and I'll never do it again. I thought it a hair product, a really foul-smelling one.   

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